Well I survived my race for life and managed it in a not to shabby for me 50 minutes. I managed to run in bursts, which I was pretty pleased with.
Here's my mum and I prior to the race. The Race for life is for Cancer Research UK for all the different cancers they research. They seem to put a big emphasis on pink and breast cancer, I guess because it is a women only run. So there are a lot of people wearing pink. Not me however. My Mum is wearing a t shirt printed with pictures of friends and family affected by cancer.
We were joined in running the race by my sister and one of her friends. My sister is the only with the red hair.
At the finishing line.
And my sister, Mum and I after the race with our medals.
Big thanks go to everyone who has donated. I'm going to do the draw in the next day or so and will be contacting those whose name is drawn to see which of the prizes they would prefer.