Wednesday, May 08, 2013

On stitching and heritage

The past two Saturdays have been spent in the company of some really interesting stitching.  The area I live in is famous for it's textile history of Paisley shawls and lots of mills.  Unfortunately the mills are now closed but at the end of my street, there are still several old mill buildings.  The biggest one is the old Anchor thread mill

Anchor mill

Most of the building is now flats but a small part is a business centre with a small exhibition space.  For the past week or so, its been home to a exhibition of the Prestonpans tapestry - a representation of the Battle of Prestonpans in needlework.  It was an amazing sight.




Whilst I was there, I got talking to the local organisers of a panel for the Great Scottish Tapestry which is planned to be the biggest tapestry ever and arranged to go back last weekend to spend some time stitching on it.  The theme of the panel is Paisley in the 1930s

Shoe sitching in progress

And this is a plan of part of the panel

Artwork of the panel

This weekend, I'm going back to stitch on it a bit more.  The finishing deadline is fast approaching and they need to finish soon.


Anonymous said...

Love it - sa really exciting project!

MysteryKnitter said...

Wow! Quite a project!