I'm still off work for my holidays. 5 days left till I go back. I was in work on Wednesday as one of the other nurses is leaving to go travelling for the next year and we had a leaving tea party for her. A couple of the staff brought in their children and I got to meet my collegues new baby for the first time as he is only 7 weeks old. He's absolutely gorgeous and his mum seems to have adapted to motherhood really well inspite of her pre birth doubts.
I've not been doing a great deal this past week. Tuesday my dad and I put up some shelves in my spare room and I spent Tuesday night arranging stuff on them. The spare room is really a spare room/stitching room and its looking pretty good. I've got a few more framed cross stitch pictures to put up and some stitching books to get from my parents house still but its nearly organised. This weekend I'm going to try and get the bathroom painted and go around patching up the bits that are needing done elsewhere in the flat.
The thing I am most looking forward to this weekend is the final episode of Doctor Who. I have really loved watching it since it came back. Christopher Ecclestone has been fabulous in the part and I will miss him in it when hes gone but David Tennant is from here in Paisley and that will be very cool. He's also a fab actor and rather attractive. Last weeks reality TV theme episode was the best especially the Trinny and Susannah bit with Captain Jack. The DVD box set is definately going on my wish list.
Stitching wise I have almost finished Chatelaine Christmas. I've made a mistake though and instead of a 3cm gap between the tree and the ribbon section, there is a 2 inch gap. I got my inches and centimetres mixed up. I'm not frogging it though as it looks okay. My fairy roses chart and the 3 dimples charts I ordered, have arrived and I've started Fairy roses on a piece of SMF dyed blue metallic lugana that I bought on ebay. I'm hoping to finish Christmas tonight or tomorrow so I'm off to stitch now.